搜索 842
NS108 Crazy lovers of Jesus 新歌
E142 Crown Him with many crowns 經典詩歌
NS605 Cup of Christ 新歌
NS900 Daniel 6:10 新歌
E713 Day by day, and with each passing moment 經典詩歌
NT1158 Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus 新調
E62 Dear Lord Jesus, we adore Thee 經典詩歌
E1090 Dear Lord, how precious is Thy blood 經典詩歌
E8392 Dearest of all is He 經典詩歌
E8714 Do come to Jesus now 經典詩歌
NS646 Does Anyone Care? 新歌
NS825 Drop by Drop 新歌
E1108 Eat the bread, ye people of the Lord 經典詩歌
NS724 Emmanuel 新歌
E869 Ere we depart, we praise Thee, Lord, again 經典詩歌
NS757 Everything is in the Breath 新歌
E531 Fade, fade each earthly joy 經典詩歌
E175 Fairest Lord Jesus 經典詩歌
E882 Faith is the Victory 經典詩歌
NS105 Fallen, that's the way we all begin 新歌
NT33 Father, long before creation 新調
NS782 First Enjoy the Lord! 新歌
E249 Flow through me, Lord, a weak and earthly vessel 經典詩歌
NS1026 For He Grew Up Like A Tender Plant (Isaiah 53) 新歌
NS950 For a Child is Born to Us (Isaiah 9:6-7) 新歌